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Private Anderson Amburgey
Private, 5th Kentucky Mounted Infantry, CSA
1841 -- 1923

Private Anderson Amburgey (aka Major Johnson) was born on Little Carr in Letcher County in 1841 -- the son of Umphry Amburgey and Fannie Johnson. He farmed at home until joining Caudill's 5th Kentucky Mounted Infantry, CSA at Whitesburg on November 1, 1861. He was discharged on April 14, 1863.

He returned home and Jane Amburgey of Letcher County - daughter of John Amburgy and Rachel Hall. He killed his brothter-in-law, James Collins, the husband of Elizabeth Amburgey. He was freed from jail by his releatives and friends, (i.e, Ambrose E. Amburgey and John Jess Amburgey, and Tandy Martin) and fled to Missouri. There he asumed the name of his mother (Johnson).

Mark's Distant Cousin

Amburgey Ancestry in America, Dorothy Amburgey Griffith

Updated November 3, 2001
Mark S. Carroll