Private John J. Lytle, Sr.
Captain James's Company of Batteauman
Revolutionary War
John Lytle served under Captain Channdonnett, at Peckskill Village in 1778. His service was on the Susquehanna River. Batteau companies kept rivers open, and they fought against both English and Indians. "In the summer of 1779, General Sullivan's expedition passed the fort, arms gleaming in the sun, their one hundred and twenty boats arranged in regular order on the river, and their two thousand pack horses in single file, they formed a military display surpassing any yet seen on the Susquehanna, and well calculated to make a deep impression on the minds of the savages."
After the war, John moved to Kentucky and settled in Garrad County.
Mark's 4th Great Grandfather
Updated 8:00 PM 1/27/2013
Mark S. Carroll